I made this game in 72 Hours for Ludum Dare 41, the theme of which was "Incompatible Genres".  You can rate the game or leave a comment it's ludum dare submission page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/pong-quest

I tried to combine a single player linear adventure with the classic Pong. To become the champion of pong you must train and face a gauntlet of foes in consecutive matches to 3, playing as the lowly unknown challenger paddle.

I planned to make a better AI but ran out of time chasing down some silly memory leaks. Apparently the Pong world isnt very competitive nowadays, it doesn’t take much to become champion shrug

If you experience freezes/crashes try reloading the page and please let me know about them!

twitter: https://twitter.com/trolltamergames 


Standalone.zip 26 MB